In short: “Be excellent to each other”. I have no interest in profiting from your data, only in making excellent apps to delight you.
Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, and what follows is my best attempt to disclose everything I can on the subject of your privacy when using Comickaze. If anything isn't clear, please let me know, and I can address your concerns.
When new users (starting with version 1.1.7) launch the app, they must explicitly opt in or out. Anyone can go to the app's Preferences to turn sending usage data on or off.
When Comickaze crashes, it will attempt to notify me on the next launch so I can fix it. This will include:
Comickaze periodically sends out general data about your environment and the way you use Comickaze. This helps us to determine which OS versions to continue supporting, as well as which features are currently being used.
As with crash data, this is anonymous, unless you specify your email address. If you do specify it, I will only use it under limited circumstances. Such an email would be sent by a real person, such as to notify you that your OS version is no longer supported, or to ask about changes to features you use.
Analytics data is sent periodically, so it's reasonably current, and shouldn't affect your use of Comickaze at all. Crash reports are sent the next time the application launches, and similarly, should not slow Comickaze down or get in your way.
I only use any information collected to improve everyone's experience using Comickaze. Analytics data helps me know which features can be reduced or eliminated, as well as which legacy OS versions I should continue to support. Crash reports help us to make Comickaze crash less. That's it. I don't give any data to other parties, sign you up for mailing lists, or (basically) do anything I wouldn't want done with my own data.